Those pictures looks exactly like what I saw yesterday with the dark clouds surrounding the solar eclipse and for your info, you can only see the eclipse properly only when there are thin clouds cover the sun and you won't be able to look at the eclipse thru a film when there is no cloud covering it. I'm not sure about solar eclipse glasses, I'm sure it will be a better view to see thru it with or without the clouds.
Ku bersyukur kehadrat Allah kerana DIA memberiku peluang melihat kuasaNYA melalui gerhana matahari yang jarang2 sekali berlaku di Malaysia. Aku tidak tahu berapa lama aku dapat bernafas di bumi yang sementara dan bila ajalku akan sampai. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat saksikan kuasaNYA sebelum ku menghembuskan nafasku yang terakhir.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year to all my friends whether you are a Chinese or not. Since we are Malaysians, all of us celebrate all the eve that we have here in Malaysia. Don't care whether you are a Chinese, Malay or Indian. We celebrate all the eve that available in Malaysia rite? From what I know, this year is an Ox year rite? None of my family members were born in the Ox year. I think so.... Haha.. During CNY we know that there are Lion Dance everywhere and some of you do not know what's the purpose of the Lion Dance rite. It's not a "just for fun" dance but it has a meaning. Here what I found about Lion Dance "Dragon and lion dances are common during Chinese New Year. It is believed that the loud beats of the drum and the deafening sounds of the cymbals together with the face of the dragon or lion dancing aggressively can evict bad or evil spirits."(Taken from Wikipedia). Well if you guys have more info, please leave some comments ok and correct me if I'm wrong. So, for more info, I would like to list down some beliefs that vary according to dialect groups or individuals.
Thats all I can think of.....hehehehe.......I'll post up if any of my resolution accomplish except for my pointer. I do not like to tell out my result, It's my privacy. Hehe.. =)